Flower Mandala

Simple, meditative, calming, and sparks joy. Flower mandalas are a delight for the senses - especially during spring and summer, when there is an abundance of flowers.

My toddler lights up whenever she sees a flower, and loves to take a good sniff! This activity is a winner for her sensory needs, and makes her happy and helps regulate her emotions. The collection part is half the fun. We are fortunate to have my parents’ garden to forage in. Fallen blossoms from trees on the streets are great too, or those flowers you bought, or ones you are gifted that are no longer fresh enough for the vase. 

There is no right or wrong way to make a mandala. You and your child are the guide! Aim for a circle (can explore other shapes) and decorate away! Create a pattern, use repetition and find a sense of flow, it’s more about the process rather than the finished design.

Your child may wish to make one on their own, or co-create with you, offering an opportunity for bonding and connection. You can practice working in silence, or if you have a chatty little one, open up conversations, such as the cycles of nature and learning to let go, as the wind will eventually blow the flowers away and go back to the earth.

You can also do this activity with other natural materials, such as sticks, rocks, shells and leaves. Read my Beach Mandala blog here.

These simple activities fill the heart with all those good feels and are easy to do. Mandalas have been around for aeons in many cultures, so there’s something quite magical about them.

✅ Meditative ✅ Calming ✅ Connection to nature ✅ Bonding ✅ Symmetry ✅ Creativity ✅ Focus ✅ Fine motor skills ✅ Zero waste

