Waiver of Liability

Please read the waiver below before you or your child participates in any of these videos.

All our bodies are different. Do what you feel comfortable doing, adjust your body as necessary, and move within your personal limits. Please supervise children while they are participating. Consult a medical professional if you or your child have any mental or physical health conditions, injuries or concerns.

Izzy will not be held responsible for any injuries or loss obtained from participating in these online classes. These classes have been designed for children, introducing yoga in a gentle and light-hearted way, benefiting the body and mind.

By taking part in these classes, you agree to this waiver.

A message from Izzy

I deeply respect the traditional roots of yoga, and am grateful to my teachers. Yoga has brightened my life and given me tools to overcome obstacles, and help with anxiety and stress.

Yoga is more than physical movement (asana), and is an ancient science and life path. The videos I create for children are not Traditional Yoga, and have no religious undertones.

Play is essential for learning. I use storytelling to awaken the imagination. Depending on the theme, I sometimes change the names of yoga asanas / poses. This is to help young children connect and engage.

As they grow, they can dive deeper into yoga. The most important thing is for kids to have fun moving their bodies, bring awareness to their breath, find a little stillness, and the rest will follow.