Homemade Instruments

I had a jam with my 2 year old with some homemade instruments. You can use anything found in the home, that’s half the fun! Children learn the value of upcycling and unlocking potential in found things.

Rhythm.. and just having a jolly good bash to release some energy!

Photos featured above -

  1. Shoebox, rubberband and wooden spoon guitar. *can’t take credit for this one, my partner helped make this masterpiece

  2. Rainbow rice and pasta bottle shakers

  3. Milo tin drums.. ps. How good is milo for sleep deprived parents!?

  4. Bowl and whisk

Some other ideas -

  • Cardboard tube wind instrument. Fun to decorate with crayons or textas

  • Bottle cap bells made with string and tape

  • Pots and pans for drums and metal lids for cymbals

  • Sticks from the garden. Fun to paint too

  • Icecream container with rubber bands as a guitar or bass


Yarn Sticks