Christmas Tree Star

Fern was so enchanted putting up the Christmas Tree for the first time. It’s our family’s vintage tree from when I was a tot, including most of the motley decorations.. we were just missing a star.

Thought it might be fun to make one every year, this year.. a cardboard collage star. Together we ripped some rainbow paper in a bowl and my toddler had fun mixing it all up. I cut a wonky star out of some cardboard. She then went to town with some glag glue and glitter until the whole star was covered. We left it to dry and stuck a pop stick on the back so we could tie it with some ribbon to the top of the tree.

Fern is pretty proud of it. She keeps climbing our side table so she can poke and admire it. I wonder what we’ll come up with next year.

✅ Bonding ✅ Creativity ✅ Festivity ✅ Fun


Flower Potions


Painted Rocks