Flower Potions

This simple activity has been one of Fern’s faves since she was able to sit up as a baby and has evolved with her development. I barely need to assist her anymore. I love watching her in a potion trance, and when she serves me mysterious cups of tea I have to pretend to drink.

All you need is a bowl or tub of water! Water play can be very calming and meditative and stimulate the imagination.

Mix it up with different utensils, bits and bobs from the garden to throw in - leaves, petals, flowers, sticks, herbs, fruit peels.

I absolutely love this giant stainless steel bowl from Bunnings, because it looks like a mirror when you look into it and reflects the bits and bobs floating on top, added magic! It also makes a great noise when you bang it with a spoon and the water ripples.

The orange petals in these photos are edible marigold flowers from Fern’s fairy garden. The smell was spicy and magnificent!

✅ Easy to set up ✅ Open-ended play ✅ Calming and meditative ✅ Brain development - ask questions like, does it float or sink? ✅ Motor skills - learning to pour, stir, sprinkle and more! ✅ Splishy splashy fun ✅ Minimal waste - can pour it back onto the garden


Nature Bowl


Christmas Tree Star